Sunday, August 12, 2018

History of 60 Classic Cocktails

History of 60 Classic Cocktails

When used to refer to any generic alcoholic mixed drink, cocktail may mean any beverage that contains three or more ingredients if at least one of those ingredients contains alcohol.
A cocktail more specifically may mean a beverage with at least three flavors, one of which is alcohol. More specifically still, it must contain alcohol, a sugar, and a bitter/citrus. When a mixed drink contains only a distilled spirit and a mixer, such as soda or fruit juice, it is a highball; many of the International Bartenders Association Official Cocktails are highballs. When a mixed drink contains only a distilled spirit and a liqueur, it is a duo and when it adds a mixer, it is a trio. Additional ingredients may be sugar, honey, milk, cream, and various herbs

The Martini

Aficionados disagree, sometimes violently, on the correct ratio of gin to dry vermouth that makes a transcendent martini, and the debate over the true origin of the martini can be just as contentious. Some claim that it's simply a dryer version of an older cocktail called the Martinez; Martinez, California, the birthplace of this cocktail, thus stakes its claim to the title of birthplace of the martini. Others postulate that the drink's name simply comes from Martini & Rossi, an Italian company that's been exporting its vermouths to the U.S. since the 19th century. Still others claim that the drink was created by and named for Martini di Arma di Taggia, the bartender at New York's Knickerbocker Hotel, although there's evidence that the cocktail may have been invented well before he started mixing drinks.


The venerable Manhattan, a blend of whiskey, sweet vermouth, and bitters, is another cocktail that scores of people claimed to have invented. It likely dates back to the New York bar scene of the 1860s, but there are also some more intriguing (though almost certainly too good to be true) tales about its origins. According to one of these legends, Jennie Churchill threw a party at the Manhattan Club in 1874 to celebrate Samuel J. Tilden's victory in New York's gubernatorial election. An enterprising bartender created a new cocktail for the event, which he dubbed the Manhattan in the club's honor. Both of these characters would go on to bigger things. Churchill soon gave birth to a son, Winston, and Tilden made a presidential run in 1876. (Although Tilden won the popular vote, he lost out to his Republican opponent, Rutherford B. Hayes. At least the cocktail saved Tilden from obscurity.)


This delightful wine cocktail, a blend of white peach puree and Prosecco, has a well-established origin. Giuseppe Cipriani, founder of Venice's beloved Harry's Bar, started mixing up the fruity tipples sometime between 1934 and 1948. The pink drink reminded him of the color of a saint's toga in a painting by Italian Renaissance artist Giovanni Bellini, so Cipriani named his concoction in honor of the painter.

The Kir

This popular French aperitif of crème de cassis and white wine has long been a favorite in France, but it didn't get its name until after World War II. Felix Kir, the mayor of Dijon from 1945 to 1968, was a huge fan of the cocktail, and whenever he entertained visiting dignitaries, he'd invariably serve them the drink. Kir did such a good job pushing the mixture onto his visitors that it eventually became inextricably linked with his personality, and that's why the cocktail bears his name today.

The Daiquiri

If you're an American mine employee stuck working in Cuba, what do you do? In the case of intrepid engineer Jennings Cox, you start creatively mixing drinks. The mixture of rum, lime, and sugar supposedly sprang to life in 1905 when Cox and some of his fellow Americans were hanging out in a bar in Santiago, Cuba. By mixing together these handy ingredients, the Americans found a tasty tipple, and it eventually worked its way back to the states.

Tom Collins

This refreshing summer drink owes its name to a 19th century hoax. In 1874, hundreds of New Yorkers heard some bad news while they were out on the town: a certain Tom Collins had been besmirching their good names. Although these people didn't know Mr. Collins, they were outraged that he would slander them, and they often set out to find the rascal. Of course, the root of the hoax was that there wasn't really a Tom Collins, but that didn't keep aggrieved parties from searching him out. To deepen the joke, bartenders started making the citrus cocktail that now bears the name, so when searchers asked for Tom Collins, they could instead find a thirst-quenching long drink.

The Cosmopolitan

Long before Sex and the City helped bolster the popularity of the cosmo, various bartenders were staking their claims as the cocktail's "true" creator. According to various stories, the drink originated in Minneapolis, South Beach, San Francisco, Manhattan and Provincetown, Massachusetts. Since the drink is basically just a kamikaze with a simple addition of cranberry juice, it's possible that bartenders in all these locations came up with the drink independently, so we may never know exactly who was responsible for putting a glass in Carrie Bradshaw's hand.

The Sazerac

Although it's not the most widely known drink, the Sazerac is both delicious and one of America's oldest cocktails. The blend of rye whiskey, bitters, sugar, and absinthe or pastis dates all the way back to the 1830s when Creole pharmacist Antoine Peychaud came up with the recipe and began serving it. The Sazerac became so popular that Peychaud's apothecary business quickly became better known as a place to get a revitalizing potion. The Sazerac is currently in the middle of something of a resurgence. Kentucky distillery Buffalo Trace has marketed two very good straight rye whiskeys under the Sazerac name, and last year the Louisiana House of Representatives proclaimed that the drink is the official cocktail of New Orleans.

The Negroni

Count Camillo Negroni gets credits for creating this aperitif around 1919. As the story goes, Negroni really loved to throw back an Americano (Campari, sweet vermouth, and club soda), but he wanted a little extra zing in his glass. He asked a bartender to replace the club soda with gin to give the mixture some added kick, and the Negroni was born.

The Black Russian

Surprisingly, containing vodka is the only thing this cocktail has to do with Russia. Bartender Gustave Tops created the drink in 1949 or 1950 while working at the Hotel Metropole in Brussels. Tops supposedly first mixed the combination of Kahlua and vodka for American socialite Perle Mesta, who was serving as the ambassador to Luxembourg at the time.

Long Island Iced Tea

It might not actually contain tea, but at least the Long Island part of the name is accurate. This spring break favorite is fairly young as cocktails go; it's only been around for about 32 years. Rosebud Butt, a bartender at the Oak Beach Inn in Hampton Bays, invented the drink in 1976, so if you ever need to find a patron saint of terrible hangovers and nights spent falling off of barstools, Rosebud may be your man.

Death in the Afternoon

Death in the Afternoon, also called the Hemingway or the Hemingway Champagne, is a cocktail made up of absinthe and Champagne, invented by Ernest Hemingway. The cocktail shares a name with Hemingway's book Death in the Afternoon, and the recipe was published in So Red the Nose, or Breath in the Afternoon, 1935 cocktail book with contributions from famous authors. Hemingway's original instructions were:

"Pour one jigger absinthe into a Champagne glass. Add iced Champagne until it attains the proper opalescent milkiness. Drink three to five of these slowly."


The drink was invented and named by Ian Fleming in the 1953 James Bond novel Casino Royale.
"A dry martini," [Bond] said. "One. In a deep champagne goblet."
"Oui, monsieur."
"Just a moment. Three measures of Gordon's, one of vodka, half a measure of Kina Lillet. Shake it very well until it's ice-cold, then add a large thin slice of lemon peel. Got it?"
"Certainly, monsieur." The barman seemed pleased with the idea.
"Gosh, that's certainly a drink," said Leiter.
Bond laughed. "When I'," he explained, "I never have more than one drink before dinner. But I do like that one to be large and very strong and very cold and very well-made. I hate small portions of anything, particularly when they taste bad. This drink's my own invention. I'm going to patent it when I can think of a good name."

Irish Car bomb

the alcoholic drink. For prominent car-bombing incidents within Ireland during the Troubles, refer to the Dublin and Monaghan bombings or the Omagh bombing.
The term "car bomb" combines reference to its "bomb shot" style as well as the noted car bombings of Northern Ireland's Troubles.
The name is often deemed offensive, with some bartenders refusing to serve it. The inclusion of the drink in an English bar's 2014 promotional material drew complaints, followed by withdrawal of the promotion and a public apology by the bar manager.Increasingly, bartenders prefer the title "Irish Slammer", "Irish Bomb Shot", or simply the "Irish Bomb" to avoid offending patrons.


Shandy is beer mixed with a clear carbonated drink of the lemon-lime variety (such as Sprite or 7-Up). In the EU, NZ, and Australia, this clear lemon-lime soda is referred to as "lemonade" and when mixed with beer "lemonade shandy". The proportions of the two ingredients are adjusted to taste, but are frequently half lemonade and half beer. Shandies are popular in Western Europe, Australia, and New Zealand.
The invention of Shandy has been widely attributed to the Munich innkeeper Franz Xaver Kugler in 1922. However the combination of beer and lemonade is documented in texts dating from 1912.

Brandy Alexander

There are many rumors about its origins. Some sources say it was created at the time of the London wedding of Princess Mary and Viscount Lascelles in 1922. Drama critic and Algonquin Round Table member Alexander Woollcott claimed that it was named after him. Other sources say it was named after the Russian tsar Alexander II.
The drink was likely named after Troy Alexander, a bartender at Rector's, a New York City restaurant, who created the drink in order to serve a white drink at a dinner celebrating Phoebe Snow, a character in a popular advertising campaign in the early 20th century

Singapore Sling

The Singapore Sling is a gin-based cocktail from Singapore. This long drink was developed sometime before 1915 by Ngiam Tong Boon, a Hainanese bartender working at the Long Bar in Raffles Hotel, Singapore. It was initially called the gin sling – a sling was originally a North American drink composed of spirit and water, sweetened and flavored.

The Sidecar

The exact origin of the sidecar is unclear, but it is thought to have been invented around the end of World War I in either London or Paris. The drink was directly named for the motorcycle attachment.
The Ritz Hotel in Paris claims origin of the drink. The first recipes for the Sidecar appear in 1922, in Harry McElhone's Harry's ABC of Mixing Cocktails and Robert Vermeire Cocktails and How to Mix Them. It is one of six basic drinks listed in David A. Embury's The Fine Art of Mixing Drinks (1948).


Caipirinha (Portuguese pronunciation is Brazil's national cocktail, made with cachaça (sugarcane hard liquor), sugar and lime.Cachaça, also known as caninha, or any one of a multitude of traditional names, is Brazil's most common distilled alcoholic beverage.Although the real origin of the drink is unknown, one account says that it came about around 1918 in the region of Alentejo in Portugal, with a popular recipe made with lemon, garlic and honey, indicated for patients with the Spanish flu.


The gimlet (pronounced with a hard 'g') is a cocktail typically made of 2 part gin, 1 part lime juice, and soda. A 1928 description of the drink was: "gin, a spot of lime, and soda".The derivation of the name of cocktail is contested. It may be named after the tool for drilling small holes (alluding to its 'piercing' effect on the drinker), or after Surgeon Admiral Sir Thomas Gimlette KCB (1857-1943), who is said to have first added lime cordial to the daily gin tot of the men of the Royal Navy to help combat the ravages of scurvy on long voyages

Gin and Tonic

The cocktail was introduced by the army of the British East India Company in India. In India and other tropical regions, malaria was a persistent problem. In the 1700s it was discovered by Scottish doctor George Cleghorn that quinine could be used to prevent and treat the disease. The quinine was drunk in tonic water, however the bitter taste was unpleasant. British officers in India in the early 19th century took to adding a mixture of water, sugar, lime and gin to the quinine in order to make the drink more palatable, thus gin and tonic was born.

The Aviation 

The Aviation was created by Hugo Ensslin, head bartender at the Hotel Wallick in New York, in the early twentieth century. The first published recipe for the drink appeared in Ensslin 1916 Recipes for Mixed Drinks. Ensslin recipe called for 1½ oz. El Bart gin, ¾ oz. lemon juice, 2 dashes maraschino liqueur, and 2 dashes crème de violette, a violet liqueur which gives the cocktail a pale purple color.

Gin Fizz

The first printed reference to "fizz" is in the 1887 edition of Jerry Thomas's Bartender's Guide, which contains six such recipes. The fizz became widely popular in America between 1900 and the 1940s. Known as a hometown specialty of New Orleans, the gin fizz was so popular that bars would employ teams of bartenders that would take turns shaking the drinks.

Pink Lady

The exact origin of the Pink Lady is not known for sure. Occasionally its invention is attributed to the interior architect and prominent society figure Elsie de Wolfe (1865-1950), but the recipe associated with her nevertheless clearly differs from the common recipes for the Pink Lady. The name of the cocktail itself is sometimes said to be taken from the 1911 Broadway musical by Ivan Caryll of the same name, or named in the honour of its star Hazel Dawn who was known as "The Pink Lady"

The Hanky-Panky 

The Hanky-Panky cocktail was the brainchild of Ada Coleman (known as "Coley") who began as a bartender at the Savoy Hotel in 1903. Her benefactor was Rupert D'Oyly Carte, a member of the family that first produced Gilbert and Sullivan operas in London and that built the Savoy Hotel. Hawtrey was the man for whom Coleman created the Hanky-Panky cocktail. He was a Victorian and Edwardian actor who mentored Noël Coward.

Mai Tai

Victor J. Bergeron claimed to have invented the Mai Tai in 1944 at his restaurant, Trader Vic's, in Oakland, California. Trader Vic's rival, Don the Beachcomber, claimed to have created it in 1933 at his then-new bar named for himself (later a famous restaurant) in Hollywood. Don the Beachcomber's recipe is more complex than that of Vic's and tastes quite different.
The Trader Vic's story of its invention is that the Trader (Victor J. Bergeron) created it one afternoon for some friends who were visiting from Tahiti. One of those friends, Carrie Guild, tasted it and cried out: "Maita'i roa ae!" (literally "very good!", figuratively "Out of this world! The best!")—hence the name.

The El Presidente

The El Presidente earned its acclaim in Havana, Cuba during the 1920s through the 1940s during the American Prohibition. It quickly became the preferred drink of the Cuban upper class.
There are two rival stories of who the cocktail is named after. One is Gerardo Machado who was president 1925-1933. The other is Mario García Menocal who was president 1913-1921. Machado gave Pan American Airways (Pan Am) exclusive rights to fly the Florida-Havana route. This may be the reason that Pan Am served a variation of El Presidente on their larger planes, the Clipper Cocktail consisting of golden rum, vermouth and grenadine

Between the sheet

The origin of the cocktail is usually credited to Harry MacElhone at Harry's New York Bar in Paris in the 1930s as a derivative of the sidecar. However, competing theories exist that claim the cocktail was created at The Berkeley in approximately 1921, or in French brothels as an apéritif for consumption by the prostitutes.


the Mojito to a similar 16th century drink known as "El Draque", after Sir Francis Drake. In 1586, after his successful raid at Cartagena de Indias Drake's ships sailed towards Havana but there was an epidemic of dysentery and scurvy on board. It was known that the local South American Indians had remedies for various tropical illnesses, so a small boarding party went ashore on Cuba and came back with ingredients for an effective medicine. The ingredients were aguardiente de caña (translated as burning water, a crude form of rum made from sugar cane) mixed with local tropical ingredients: lime, sugarcane juice, and mint. Lime juice on its own would have significantly prevented scurvy and dysentery, and tafia/rum was soon added as it became widely available to the British (ca. 1650). Mint, lime and sugar were also helpful in hiding the harsh taste of this spirit. While this drink was not called a Mojito at this time, it was the original combination of these ingredients

Blue Hawaii

The Blue Hawaii was invented in 1957 by Harry Yee, legendary head bartender of the Hilton Hawaiian Village (formerly the Kaiser Hawaiian Village) in Waikiki, Hawaii The name "Blue Hawaii" is related only indirectly to the 1961 Elvis Presley film of the same name, and apparently derives instead from the film's title song, a hit composed by Leo Robin for the 1937 Bing Crosby film Waikiki Wedding. It was Yee who named the drink which, along with the films and songs,

Piña Colada 

The name piña colada literally means "strained pineapple", a reference to the freshly pressed and strained pineapple juice used in the drink's preparation.Two bartenders from Puerto Rico won a contest for the ownership of their national drink. Stevie Craig Walker claims to have first made it at the Caribe Hilton Hotel's Beachcomber Bar in San Juan in 1954,

Planters Punch

The cocktail has been said to have originated at the Planters Hotel in Charleston, SC. The September 1878 issue of the London magazine Fun listed the recipe as follows:
A wine-glass with lemon juice fill,
Of sugar the same glass fill twice
Then rub them together until
The mixture looks smooth, soft, and nice.

Of rum then three wine glasses add,
And four of cold water please take. A
Drink then you'll have that's not bad-
At least, so they say in Jamaica

Cuba Libre

The drink was created in Cuba in the early 1900s, but its exact origins are not known with certainty. It became popular shortly after 1900, when bottled Coca-Cola was first imported into Cuba from the United States. It is associated with the heavy U.S. presence in Cuba following the Spanish–American War of 1898; the drink's traditional name, "Cuba Libre" (Free Cuba), was the slogan of the Cuban independence movement. The Cuba Libre is sometimes said to have been created during the Spanish–American War. However, this predates the first distribution of Coca-Cola to Cuba in 1900. A drink called a "Cuba Libre" was indeed known in 1898, but this was a mix of water and brown sugar.


the margarita is that it was invented in October 1941, at Hussong's Cantina in Ensenada, Mexico, by bartender Don Carlos Orozco. One afternoon, Margarita Henkel, the daughter of the then German ambassador visited the cantina and Don Carlos who had been experimenting with drinks offered her one. The cocktail consisted of equal parts of tequila, Mexican orange liqueur called Controy (A.K.A. Naranja in the United States), and lime, shaken and served over ice in a salt-rimmed glass. As she was the first to try the drink, Don Carlos decided to name it after her and the "Margarita" was born.

Tequila Sunrise 

The original Tequila Sunrise contained tequila, crème de cassis, lime juice and soda water and was served at the Arizona Biltmore Hotel, where it was created by Gene Sulit in the 1930s or 1940s.The more popular modern version of the cocktail contains tequila, orange juice, and grenadine and was created by Bobby Lozoff and Billy Rice in the early 1970s while working as young bartenders at the Trident in Sausalito, California north of San Francisco. In 1972,


This drink, originally called an Adam's Apple Martini because the bartender who created it was named Adam, was created in 1996 at Lola's West Hollywood restaurant.

Bloody Mary

The name "Bloody Mary" is associated with a number of historical figures-particularly Queen Mary I of England, who was nicknamed as such in Foxe's Book of Martyrs for attempting to re-establish the Catholic Church in England-and fictional women from folklore.
Some drink aficionados believe the inspiration for the name was Hollywood star Mary Pickford. Others trace the name to a waitress named Mary who worked at a Chicago bar called the Bucket of Blood. The tradition at Harry's New York Bar in Paris, according to manager Alain Da Silva in a 2011 interview, is that one of the patrons for whom the cocktail was first mixed in 1920 or 1921 declared, "It looks like my girlfriend who I met in a cabaret"; the cabaret's name was the Bucket of Blood and the girlfriend's name was Mary, so the patrons and bartender "Pete" Petiot agreed to call it a "Bloody Mary"
Fernand Petiot claimed to have invented the Bloody Mary in 1921, well before any of the later claims, according to his granddaughter. He was working at the New York Bar in Paris at the time, which later became Harry's New York Bar, a frequent Paris hangout for Ernest Hemingway and other American expatriates

Screw driver

This drink appears in literature as early as 1938.[dubious – discuss]
The screwdriver is mentioned in 1944: "A Screwdriver—a drink compounded of vodka and orange juice and supposedly invented by interned American fliers"; and in 1949: "the latest Yankee concoction of vodka and orange juice, called a 'screwdriver'".


According to cocktail historian David Wondrich, the Kamikaze shot first appeared in 1976 and may have been the original "shooter" cocktail. "Kamikaze" is a Japanese word literally meaning "divine wind".

Sex on the Beach

A Sex on the Beach is an alcoholic cocktail containing vodka, peach schnapps, orange juice and cranberry juice. The cocktail is usually consumed during summer months.There are several stories claiming to describe the origin of the Sex on the Beach. One claims that the cocktail originated in Florida, USA in the spring of 1987 coinciding with the introduction of peach schnapps. A bartender at Confetti's Bar devised the drink and gave it the name in a nod to the many tourists visiting Florida's beaches each spring.

Lemon Drop 

The lemon drop was invented sometime in the 1970s by Norman Jay Hobday, the founder and proprietor of Henry Africa's, a fern bar in the Russian Hill neighborhood of San Francisco, California that opened in 1969. It was originally served in a cocktail glass.The Lemon Drop was most likely named after lemon drop candy. After its invention, the drink swiftly spread to many San Francisco saloons. In the early 1990s, it was often prepared as a shooter or served in a shot glass.

Moscow Mule

George Sinclair's 2007 article on the origin of the drink quotes the New York Herald Tribune from 1948 The mule was born in Manhattan but "stalled" on the West Coast for the duration. The birthplace of "Little Moscow" was in New York's Chatham Hotel. That was back in 1941 when the first carload of Jack Morgan's Cock 'n' Bull ginger beer was railing over the plains to give New Yorkers a happy surprise… The Violette Family helped. Three friends were in the Chatham bar, one John A. Morgan, known as Jack, president of Cock 'n' Bull Products and owner of the Hollywood Cock 'n' Bull Restaurant; one was John G. Martin, president of G.F. Heublein Brothers Inc. of Hartford, Conn., and the third was Rudolph Kunett, president of the Pierre Smirnoff, Heublein's vodka division. As Jack Morgan tells it, "We three were quaffing a slug, nibbling an hors d'oeuvre and shoving toward inventive genius". Martin and Kunett had their minds on their vodka and wondered what would happen if a two-ounce shot joined with Morgan's ginger beer and the squeeze of a lemon. Ice was ordered, lemons procured, mugs ushered in and the concoction put together. Cups were raised, the men counted five and down went the first taste. It was good. It lifted the spirit to adventure. Four or five days later the mixture was christened the Moscow mule..

Irish Coffee

Joe Sheridan, a head chef at the restaurant and coffee shop in the Foynes Airbase Flying boat terminal building, County Limerick played his part in 1942 or 1943 after a group of American passengers disembarked from a several-hour failed Atlantic crossing due to bad weather conditions on a Pan Am Clipper flying boat. Sheridan added whiskey to the coffee to warm the passengers. After the passengers asked if they were being served Brazilian coffee, Sheridan told them it was "Irish coffee".

Blue Blazer

The first bartender's manual, written by Jerry Thomas and published in 1862, contains the recipe for the first flaming cocktail, the Blue Blazer. The book, How to Mix Drinks, describes :76–77 how to turn a hot toddy made with Scotch into a "blazing stream of liquid fire"The "blue blazer" does not have a very euphonious or classic name, but it tastes better to the palate than it sounds to the ear. A beholder gazing for the first time upon an experienced artist, compounding this beverage, would naturally come to the conclusion that it was a nectar for Pluto rather than Bacchus.

Mint Julep

The mint julep originated in the southern United States, probably during the eighteenth century.
U.S. Senator Henry Clay of Kentucky introduced the drink to Washington, D.C., at the Round Robin Bar in the famous Willard Hotel during his residence in the city. The term "julep" is generally defined as a sweet drink, particularly one used as a vehicle for medicine. The word itself is derived from the Spanish "julepe", from Spanish Arabic, and this from the Persian word (Golâb), meaning rosewater.

Lynchburg Lemonade

The drink was created and given its name by Alabama restaurant and lounge owner Tony Mason in 1980. It was the subject of the 1987 court case Mason v. Jack Daniel Distillery. Mason alleged that a Jack Daniel's distillery sales representative visited his restaurant and somehow learned the recipe for the drink, which he contended was a trade secret. A year later, Jack Daniel's launched a national campaign to promote the drink. Mason subsequently filed suit in the Madison County Circuit Court, seeking over US$13 million in compensatory and punitive damages for misappropriation of his recipe. The court ruled in Mason's favor but decided to award him no money. After the trial, the presiding judge offered to pay Mason one dollar out of his own pocket which Mason rejected. In Mason v. Jack Daniel Distillery, Mason appealed the decision to the Alabama Civil Appellate court, which found that Mason could be entitled to more than nominal compensatory damages and overturned the decision, ordering a new trial. The new trial resulted in a victory for Jack Daniel Distillery.

Old Fashion

The first documented definition of the word "cocktail" was in response to a reader's letter asking to define the word in the May 6, 1806 issue of The Balance and Columbian Repository in Hudson, New York. In the May 13, 1806 issue, the paper's editor wrote that it was a potent concoction of spirits, bitters, water, and sugar; it was also referred to at the time as a bittered sling. J.E. Alexander describes the cocktail similarly in 1833, as he encountered it in New York City, as being rum, gin, or brandy, significant water, bitters, and sugar, though he includes a nutmeg garnish as well.

Whiskey Sour

The oldest historical mention of a whiskey sour was published in the Wisconsin newspaper, Waukesha Plain Dealer, in 1870.
In 1962, the Universidad del Cuyo published a story, citing the Peruvian newspaper El Comercio de Iquique, which indicated that Elliott Stubb created the "whisky sour" in 1872. (El Comercio de Iquique was published by Modesto Molina between 1874 and 1879.)

Rob Roy

The Rob Roy is a cocktail consisting primarily of whisky and vermouth, created in 1894 by a bartender at the Waldorf Astoria in Manhattan, New York City. The drink was named in honor of the premiere of Rob Roy, an operetta by composer Reginald De Koven and lyricist Harry B. Smith loosely based upon Scottish folk hero Rob Roy MacGregor.


The term sangria dates to the 18th century. It is generally believed to have been taken from the Spanish sangre (blood), in reference to the red color of the drink; some believe, however, that the word comes from Sanskrit via the Urdu sakkari (sugared wine).Little is known about the origins of this Spanish drink. According to the SAGE Encyclopedia of Alcohol, sangria's origins "cannot be pinpointed exactly, but early versions were popular in Spain, Greece, and England."


A mimosa cocktail is composed of one part champagne (or other sparkling wine) and one part chilled citrus juice, usually orange juice unless otherwise specified. It is traditionally served in a tall champagne flute at brunch, at weddings, by the pint, or as part of first class service on some passenger railways and airlines.It is believed to have been invented at the Hôtel Ritz Paris by Frank Meier, in about 1925. It is probably named after the common name in Europe for the yellow flowers of Acacia dealbata

Mulled Wine

Mulled wine is a beverage usually made with red wine along with various mulling spices and sometimes raisins. It is served hot or warm and is alcoholic, although there are non-alcoholic versions of mulled wine. It is a traditional drink during winter, especially around Christmas. Wine was first recorded as spiced and heated in Rome during the 2nd century. The Romans travelled across Europe, conquering much of it and trading with the rest. The legions brought wine and viticulture with them up to the Rhine and Danube rivers and to the Scottish border, along with their recipes.


Spritzer is derived from the variant of the German language spoken in Austria, where the drink is very popular. It is used alongside the equally common form Gespritzter (mostly pronounced G'spritzter, a noun derived from the past participle of spritzen, i.e. squirt), a term also found in some German regions, such as Hessen (e.g. Süßgespritzter, i.e. a "sweet spritzer" using fizzy lemonade instead of soda water (Sauer Gespritzter)). In most of Germany, the word "Schorle" is used to denote a Spritzer. In some places it is said that wine spritzers make poets sing and nations come together.

The B-52

The name refers to the band The B-52's and not the US B-52 Stratofortress bomber.
The B-52 is that was invented by Peter Fich, a head bartender at the Banff Springs Hotel in Banff, Alberta. He named all of his new drinks after favourite bands, albums and songs. This drink was, of course, named after the band of the same name. One of his first customers for a B-52 owned restaurants in various cities in Alberta and liked the drink so much that he put it on the menu. This is why this, the first shooter, is commonly believed to originate at the Keg Steakhouse in Calgary, Alberta in 1977. The B-52 is also rumoured  to have been created by Adam Honigman, a bartender at New York City's Maxwell's Plum.

The Godfather

The Godfather is a duo mixed drink made of Scotch whisky and amaretto. Typically, the drink is served on the rocks in an old fashioned glass.As with many cocktails, the origin of the Godfather's name is uncertain. The amaretto brand Disaronno claims the drink was the favorite cocktail of American actor Marlon Brando, known for playing the titular character in the popular American film adaptation of Mario Puzo's The Godfather, which prominently features the Italian mob. This may be an allusion to the cocktail's prominent use of amaretto, an Italian liqueur


In German-speaking countries, it is called a "Turbojäger" or a "Fliegender Hirsch"/"Flying Hirsch" (Flying Stag)-where "Fliegender" is derived from the slogan "Red Bull verleiht Flügel" (Red Bull gives you wings) and "Stag" originates in the Jägermeister logo. A long drink mixed with Jägermeister and Red Bull is called "JägerBull". In Finland, it is called an "Akkuhappo" (Battery acid, with the energy drink used commonly being the Finnish Battery) while in Greece it is called "Υποβρύχιο" (Ypovrýchio Submarine)(note that the most common definition of "Υποβρύχιο" in Greece is whiskey/vodka with beer, lately the term "Jägerbomb" is more widely understood and accepted). Dan Borowski, from Downers Grove, Illinois invented the Jager Bomb in the early 2000's.

Rusty Nail

According to cocktail historian David Wondrich, "the Rusty Nail took a while to find its proper place in the world." The combination of Drambuie-"the world's most distinguished Scotch-based liqueur"-and the whisky it is made from first appears in 1937 in the form of the B.I.F., credited to one F. Benniman and ostensibly named after the British Industries Fair. Wondrich goes on to note that "it took another generation or so for the drink to assume its classic name and form, during which time it tried on several identities.

Black Velvet 

The Black Velvet is a beer cocktail made from a stout (often Guinness) and white, sparkling wine, traditionally Champagne.
The drink was first created by the bartender of Brooks's Club in London in 1861, to mourn the death of Prince Albert, Queen Victoria's Prince Consort. It is supposed to symbolise the black or purple cloth armbands worn by mourners
Buck's Fizz

The drink is named after London's Buck's Club, where it was invented as an excuse to begin drinking early; it was first served in 1921 by a barman named Malachy McGarry (who features in the works of P. G. Wodehouse as the barman of Buck's Club and the Drones Club). Traditionally, it is made by mixing two parts champagne and one part orange juice. Some older recipes list grenadine as an additional ingredient

Fuzzy Navel

The fuzzy navel was one of the first drinks to arise in the new popularity of cocktails and mixed drinks in the 1980s. The drink was invented over 30 years ago by Ray Foley, a well known bartender and founder of Bartender Magazine. The story goes that Ray was cutting an orange for a garnish when a man nearby made the remark that he could still smell the fuzz of the peach schnapps through the orange juice. Ray looked at the orange and saw the printed word "Navel" for navel orange. Thus the cocktail was born.This is not entirely true. Based on interviews with Doug Schuster of Dublin, Ohio HE was the true creator of the Fuzzy Navel. Mr. Foley was the bartender at the National Distributors bar in New York at that time. Mr. Schuster employer took a bottle of Dek. Peachtree in and asked him to make a Fuzzy Navel to taste what Mr. Schuster created for the NABCA convention in Miami. It is unfortunate Mr. Schuster never received credit for his invention.

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