Tuesday, August 14, 2018

55 Amazing Funny Fact of Alcohol

55 Amazing Funny Fact of Alcohol

Alcohol is probably one of the most controversial products in terms of health, age, laws or cause of accidents. The facts on that particular post were mostly something that would either affect us in one way or the other. Today we wanted to cover alcohol facts that are surprising, funny or just fun to know. It’s amazing to know that Ohio has a law that bans giving any alcohol to fishes. We are not sure what caused this law to come into effect but there is one. And we are sure most of you didn’t know the national anthem of US was written to the tune of a drinking song. Check out some more fun facts related to alcohol below.   

1. The word “toast,” which means wishing good health originated in ancient Rome. A piece of toasted bread was literally dropped into wine back then.

2. The soil of one of the vineyards in France is considered so precious that it is mandatory for workers to scrape the soil off their shoes before they leave.

3. Anyone under the age of 21 should be careful of taking out trash bags in Missouri. If you are under 21 and the garbage contains an empty bottle of alcohol, you can be charged with illegal possession of alcohol.

4. Most people think that drinking alcohol raises the body temperature. Alcohol actually lowers the body temperature.

5. Here is a little surprise : The national anthem of United States “The Star Spangled Banner,” was written to the tune of a drinking song.

6. Although “The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog” is considered to be the shortest sentence that includes all the letters of the alphabet, alcohol lovers came up with one of their own “Pack my box with five dozen liquor jugs.”

7. Most vegetable and almost all fruits contain a small amount of alcohol in them.

8. The first Thanksgiving Day didn’t include mashed potatoes, turkey and all other foods that we usually eat on this particular day. However, there was beer, brandy, gin and wine.

9. Bourbon, the official drink of United States takes its name from Bourbon County in Kentucky.

10. The pressure in a champagne bottle is 90 pounds per square inch, that is three times the pressure in automobile tires.

11. Adolf Hitler was one of the world’s best known abstainers from alcohol.

12. Sir Winston Churchill was one of the world’s heaviest drinkers.

13. The longest permanent bar is 405 feet and 10 inches. It is located in Ohio. Some suggest that the longest bar is in Illinois which is 684 feet.

14. The first recruiting station of the U.S. Marines was a bar.

15. The world’s oldest known recipe is for beer.

16. It is illegal to run a “tab” in Iowa (source that we used says running a “tab” in Iowa is illegal. Iowa residents say it is legal. We will go with Iowa residents and rule this one out)

17. United States has the highest minimum drinking age in the entire world.

18. The alcohol content of a typical beer, wine or spirits are virtually identical. To a breathalyzer, a drink is a drink is a drink.

19. Brandy, rum and whisky can be either aged too long or not long enough.

20. It is estimated that there are 49,000,000 (forty-nine million) bubbles in a bottle of champagne.

21. Human body produces its own supply of alcohol naturally, 24 hours a day and 7 days a week.

22. Beer started selling in bottles starting 1850 and in cans starting 1935.

23. In the 1600’s thermometer used to be filled with brandy instead of mercury.

24. The term “Dipsomania” refers to abnormal cravings for alcohol.

25. There is a cloud of alcohol in the outer space which is enough to make four trillion-trillion drinks.

26. It is illegal to feed alcohol to Moose in Alaska and fishes in Ohio.

27. In some European countries McDonald’s serves alcohol. Some parents like to drink alcohol while kids munch on fries and chicken nuggets. McDonald’s decided they needed all the customers they can get.

28. Many high school cafeterias in Europe serve alcohol to students who choose to drink

29. Distilled spirits such as brandy, gin, rum, tequila, etc. contain no carbohydrates, no fats and no cholesterol of any kind.

30. A mixed drink that contains carbonated drink is absorbed into the body more quickly than straight shots.

31. Abraham Lincoln held a liquor license and operated several taverns.

32. All spirits (unlike beer and wine) are originally clear and colorless. The golden brown and other colors are achieved due to the aging process.

33. The French Wine “Fat Bastard” is banned in Ohio and Texas. (although the articles we referred to suggested that this was true, many readers have said that you can buy “Fat Bastard” in Texas)

34. Here is another one we found that relates to Texas: Texas state law prohibits taking more than three sips of beer at a time while standing


35. The BATF (Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms) prohibits the use of word “refreshing” to describe any alcoholic beverage.

36. It’s been scientifically proven that alcohol increases creativity. It reduces the executive function, while boosting imagination and inner consciousness as shown by increased activity in the superior temporal gyrus, an area of the brain directly above the ear.

37. The first alcohol-­free bar in New Zealand went out of business five weeks after opening due to a lack of consumer interest. Customers that did show up often only consumed water after paying the $15 cover charge for entry.

38. Pope Leo XIII 1810-1902 endorsed a popular wine that had 6 to 7.2 mg of cocaine per ounce. He was purported to have carried a hip flask of it with him and he awarded a gold medal to the French chemist who concocted it.

39. There was a real, radium based, alcoholic drink known as the “Atomic Cocktail” that was served in missile shaped bottles. They had adverse effects after prolonged exposure, but could cure minor fevers, headaches, and depression.

40. The bar tab of a 1787 farewell party for George Washington is still intact. “According to the bill… [The Founding Fathers] drank 54 bottles of Madeira, 60 bottles of claret, 8 of whiskey, 22 of porter, 8 of hard cider, 12 of beer, and 7 bowls of alcoholic punch”. The party had 55 attendees.

41.The world's longest hangover lasted 4 weeks after a Scotsman consumed 60 pints of beer.

42. Jägermeister was originally intended to be cough medicine.

43. The average bottle of Goldschläger contains $6.20 worth of gold.

44. Buckfast Tonic Wine (15% ABV) contains the caffeine equivalent of six cups of coffee and, among other things, accounted for 5,638 crimes in three years in a small region of Scotland.

45. It takes an average of 600 individual grapes to create a bottle of wine.

46. Winston Churchill’s mother was the inventor of the Manhattan cocktail. It is made with whiskey and sweet vermouth.

47. The full size pears inside some bottles of liquor are actually grown in there by hanging the bottles from the tree.

48. You can have a bottle of the world's most expensive vodka for just mere 3.75 million dollars. “The Billionare Vodka“ is first ice-filtered, then filtered through Nordic birch charcoal and lastly passed through sand made from crushed diamonds and gems. It is sold in a platinum and rhodium encased, diamond encrusted crystal bottle.

49. A muscular person has a higher alcohol tolerance than someone with more body fat. Water-rich muscle tissues absorb alcohol more effectively, preventing it from reaching the brain.

50. Fear on an empty glass even got its scientific name. It is called Cenosillicaphobia.

51. One of the most popular drinks in Cambodia is Tarantula Brandy; a delectable concoction that includes rice liquor and freshly dead tarantulas.

52. The world's strongest beer is Brewmeisters „Snake Venom“. While regular beer usually have about 5% ABV, this Scottish killer has a stomach-burning 67,5% ABV.

53. Despite the popularly held belief, real Tequila doesn’t have a worm in it. In fact, the worm, or gusano, actually originated with tequila's “lower-quality” cousin, “mezcal”, largely as a marketing ploy.

54. Stylists in the 1800s believed that rum held the secret to clean and healthy hair, and often advised their clients to wash and soak their hair in the tropical liquor. (Brandy was considered a slightly less effective alternative.)

55. The word “vodka” is derived from the Slavic term voda, which translates to “little water.”

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