Friday, July 20, 2018

Unbelievable Facts About Alcohol

Unbelievable Facts About Alcohol

Most vegetable and almost all fruits contain a small amount of alcohol in them.
It was during the Prohibition when cocktails gained popularity. They were offered to mask the flavor of poorly made alcohol. Popular cocktails included Mary Pickford, French 75, Barbary Coast, Bee’s Knees, and the Sidecar.

You can have a bottle of the world´s most expensive vodka for just mere 3.75 million dollars. “The Billionare Vodka“ is first ice-filtered, then filtered through Nordic birch charcoal and lastly passed through sand made from crushed diamonds and gems. It is sold in a platinum and rhodium encased, diamond encrusted crystal bottle.

A muscular person has a higher alcohol tolerance than someone with more body fat. Water-rich muscle tissues absorb alcohol more effectively, preventing it from reaching the brain.

A bottle of champagne contains 90 pounds or pressure per square inch, which is three times the pressure found in car tires. The popped cork from a champagne bottle travels as fast as 60 miles per hour and can cause some serious damage.

Vikings enjoyed alcohol, but they did not drink it from any of the traditional containers. Instead, they allegedly preferred to celebrate their victories by tippling from the skulls of their defeated enemies.
Japanese doctors have observed patients with “auto-brewery syndrome,” in which high levels of candida yeast in the intestines churn out so much alcohol that they can cause drunkenness.

The most beer-drinking country in the world is the Czech Republic. With an incredible per capita beer consumption of almost 40 gallons a year, the Czechs are way out in front in the beer drinking world league table, leaving the Irish, Germans, Americans and other “beer nations” far behind.
Abraham Lincoln held a liquor license and operated several taverns.

The soil of one of the vineyards in France is considered so precious that it is mandatory for workers to scrape the soil off their shoes before they leave.

A pint of beer, a glass of wine, and a shot of vodka all contain almost the same amount of alcohol.
While Adolf Hitler was one of the world’s best known abstainers, Sir Winston Churchill was one of the world’s heaviest drinkers

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