Friday, July 20, 2018

Terribly Weird Alcoholic Beverages

Terribly Weird Alcoholic Beverages

Naga Chilli Vodka
Touted as the world's hottest vodka.

Smoker's Cough (shot)
Smoking is bad for you. This vile shot, mixing Jägermeister with mayonnaise, can't be much better.

Baby Mice Wine
Traditionally a "health tonic" in Chinese and Korean cultures, baby mice are taken shortly after birth and dropped alive into a jug of rice wine and left to ferment. After the wine is imbibed, the mice are eaten.

This is a pickled egg soaked in Jäger, then placed in a glass, which is then filled with more Jäger. 

Scorpion vodka
a real edible Chinese-bred scorpion The eight-legged critter is said to "add a subtle woody taste." Yummy.

Pizza Beer
A Chicago brewery mixed together two consumer favorites to create this (prize winning?) epic combination.

Prairie Chicken
This gin, raw egg yolk and salt and pepper concoction is an alternative to the Prairie Oyster (bourbon, Tabasco sauce and a raw egg), though they both sound awful.

A traditional dairy drink (made of fermented mare's milk) that's been enjoyed for centuries, kumis has been compared to drinkable yogurt.

Gilpin Family Whisky
Gilpin takes the urine of two elderly diabetic patients daily, extracts the high sugar content, then uses that sugar in the fermentation of whisky production. 

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